Seoul Fintech Lab Helps Revitalize Startup Ecosystem

CodeStates announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Seoul FinTech Lab to support the revitalization of startups’ ecosystem.

The two companies agreed to actively cooperate in various areas such as providing marketing internship programs, developing digital transformation (DX) corporate education for employees, developing new support programs based on diversification of education curriculum, and supporting employment of talented people.
The MOU aims to accelerate the growth of tenants, focusing on collaboration between the two companies based on CodeStates’ career education service capabilities.

Marketing Internship, the core of cooperation, is a program in which CodeStates Gross Marketing Boot Camp students conduct working-level collaboration projects for four weeks as members of an actual company. Participating companies can obtain various effects, such as securing proven talent in advance through recruitment linkage or supplementing recruitment policies based on feedback from participants. Currently, more than 70 companies, including SK Telecom’s accelerating program tenants, Spark Plus, and CodeStates partners, are participating, and the scale of the program continues to expand.

Through this business agreement, CodeStates will not only provide boot camp students with an opportunity to experience the industry field, but also operate a B2B education program for tenants and further enhance their education services. Seoul Fintech Lab is expected to significantly expand its professional acceleration capabilities by providing recruitment connection benefits to tenant companies suffering from difficulties in hiring and to attract new entrants.


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